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Hyperpigmentation and Discolouration

Can anything be done to treat hyperpigmentation?

​Regardless of the source of your hyperpigmentation, this condition can have a
devastating affect on your self-esteem, particularly since the spots typically appear on
the face, where they can be difficult to hide. Fortunately, if you suffer from
hyperpigmentation, there are now a number of treatment options.

What is Melasma?

​Melasma, or aschloasma faciei, is a skin condition caused by excess pigment, which
leads to the development of dark patches on the face. These spots, which typically
appear on the forehead, cheeks, chin, and upper lip, are often triggered by hormone
changes, such as pregnancy or an adjustment in birth control pills. As a result, 90% of
patients who develop melasma are women and the condition is nicknamed the “mask
of pregnancy.” However, men are susceptible to melasma as well and it is believed that
sun exposure can aggravate the condition.

What is Solar lentigines?

​Solar lentigines, often referred to as sunspots, are small brown patches caused by sun
exposure. As a result, they frequently develop on the areas of the body most often
exposed to the sun such as the face, chest, and hands. Once you have them sun
exposure can make them more pronounced, which is why it is so important to be
diligent about sunscreen application.

What is Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation?

Post – inflammatory hyperpigmentation is caused by trauma to the skin, and typically
occurs following surgery or as a result of skin conditions such as acne. It results in flat
spots, which may be pink, red, brown or black.

Treatment Options:
Acid Peel (Hydrafacial MD)
Skin Resurfacing
Brightening Series
​Retinol Treatment
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